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The meaning of the name Aasia is Hope

The origin of the name Aasia is Arabic

Views : 6037

Aasia Comments

the meaning of name " aasia " a women who guards at night. beautiful meaning of aasia. we should write this name aasia. if we write the spelling of aasia "asia" is not fair with the name.

Tue 14 Oct, 2014 rabia basri, lahore

Aasia is very good name. But there is a confusion, some people write Aasia but some write it Asia. I think that not matters because the pronunciation is same in both the cases

Sat 12 Apr, 2014 Abdul Rauf, Lahore

What is the meaning of the girl name "ABIHA" ? I listen this name but I never see in this site. Please add this name in this site and tell me the mean of this beautiful name.

Tue 25 Feb, 2014 jamila, karachi