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The meaning of the name Muhammad is Praiseworthy - name of the LAST Prophet (A.S).

The origin of the name Muhammad is

Views : 1550

Muhammad Comments

Muhammad the our prophet name is the most popular name in all over the world. especially in the all of the Muslims country but this name is also very popular in all over the European countries. I like my prophet name.

Fri 04 Sep, 2015 mohammad ahmed, karachi

i was reading a research that the name muhmmad is most common and popular name not only in muslim countries. but it is also a very popular name in euorpean countries that show importance of name muhammad.

Thu 21 May, 2015 mohammad amir, karachi

agree with you every one love name mohammad.

Mon 17 Feb, 2014 Faisal , karachi

I love the name of mohammad becouse this name our Prophet SAWW name.

Fri 14 Feb, 2014 Fareed, sukkur