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Muslim Names

Name Meaning Gender Origin
Istilah Agreement Girl
Itab Censure Girl
Itaf Clock Girl
Ithaar Selflessness. Boy
Ithar Preference Girl
Itidal Straightness, tautness Girl
Itimad Reliance, dependencen Girl
Iyaad Generous. Boy
Iyaas Compensation. Boy
Iyad Pigeon Boy
Iyas Consoling Boy
Izaan Obedience. Boy
Izdihaar Flourishing, blossoming Girl
Izdihar Flourishing, blooming. Girl
Izma Higher poistion, Esteemed previledge & honour. Girl
Izz Glory, honour, Prestige, High Standing. Boy
Izz al Din Might of the faith Boy
Izz an-Nisa She was a narrator of Hadith. Girl
Izzah Might, power Girl
Izzat Slave girl. The daughter of Umar bin Mumal was named Jariyah. Before he had become a Muslim, she was the slave of Umar (R.A) and he used to trash her very harshly that she might revoke Islam but she did not and finally he himself became a Muslim. Girl
Izzat High rank, honour. Boy
Jaan Life, Soul. Boy
Jabalah Mountain, hill Boy
Jabbar Mighty, brave Boy
Jabeen Forehead. Girl
Jabir Consoler, comforter Boy
Jabirah Comforter, consoler Girl
Jabr Compulsion name of a companion. Boy
Jabrayah Love, respect. Girl
Jad Curly, Frizzled. Boy
Jad Allah Gift of God Boy
Jada Gift, present Girl
Jadwa Gift, present Girl
Jafar Rivulet, stream. Boy
Jahaan Land. Girl
Jahan Aara Adornment of the world. Girl
Jahan Khatoon She was a Persian poet. Girl
Jahanara To flower, to live. Girl
Jahangir A moghul emperor had this name. Boy
Jahanzeb Beautiful Boy
Jahdamah She was a female companion of the Prophet (S.A.W). Girl
Jahdami An authority for hadith had this name. Boy
Jahdari An authority of Quran had this name. Boy
Jahfar Rivulet, little creek Boy
Jahida Helps the vulnarable. Girl
Jahiz Ogle-eyed. Boy
Jahm Sullen. Boy
Jahmyyllah Beautiful one Girl
Jaiyana Strength. Girl
Jal Resolution, firm will Boy
Jala Clarity, elucidation Girl
Jalal Glory Boy
Jalal al Din Glory of the faith Boy
Jaleel Great, revered Boy
Jalees Companion, friend, person with whom one sits. Boy
Jalil Great, revered. Boy
Jalilah Splendid, lofty Girl
Jamal Beauty Boy
Jamal al Din Beauty of the faith Boy
Jameel Beautiful Boy
Jameela Beautiful, graceful, lovely Girl
Jameelah Beautiful. Girl
Jamil Beautiful, lovely. Boy
Jamila Beautiful, Graceful, Lovely Girl
Jamilah Beautiful, graceful. Girl
Jammana Pearl. Girl
Jana Harvest Girl
Janaan Heart, soul Girl
Janan Heart, Soul. Girl
Jannah Garden, paradise Girl
Jaraah Surgeon; name of tabaree. Boy
Jareer Corpulent. Boy
Jari Powerful, brave. Boy
Jarir One who can pull; name of a famous Arab poet Boy
Jariyah Name of a Ashb-as-Suffa. Boy
Jarood Name of a companion of the Prophet (S.A.W). Boy
Jaseena Nice Heart. Girl
Jasim Great, big, huge Boy
Jasim Powerful, strong. Boy
Jasmin Flower. Girl
Jasmina Flower. Girl
Jasmir Strong. Boy
Jasrah She was a narrator of Hadith. Girl
Jaul Choice Boy
Jaun Kind of plant Boy
Javairea Mysterious. Girl
Javier Month of January. Boy
Jawa Passion, love Girl
Jawad Open handed, generous Boy
Jawahir Jewels Girl
Jawdah Heavy rain, benevolent deed Boy
Jawdan Goodness. Boy
Jawhar Jewel, essence Boy
Jawharah Jewel Girl
Jawl to move freely Girl
Jawna The sun Girl
Jaza Reward, compensation. Girl
Jazib Beautiful, Handsome. Boy
Jeelan It is a city in Iran. Boy
Jehaan Creative mind. Girl

Muslim Names – Finding a unique muslim name often seems quite a task for many of us. Urdu Wire brings an assorted collection of Muslim names for both boys and girls with their literal meaning placed in front. Urdu wire helps muslim users to get acquainted with the meanings of their names as well as pick up new names for new born Muslim child. Check the list of names on Urduwire in alphabetical order and choose the name which you think suits your child the most.